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I came up with this idea one day while watching a television show about crimes. It was telling the viewer about how quick crimes can happen and before you know it you can become a victim. Unless you have a way to fight back you too will have most likely become a victim as well. 

So I was thinking about this and came up with a simple yet easy way to help with these kinds of situations.

The idea works much like the pepper spray does but a little different.

Pepper spay needs to be on the ready. You need to grab it and press the trigger. It can be hard to reach if not already in your hand. It could be knocked out of your hand and now useless. 

The idea here is more like a skunk.

Like a skunk, when threatened or attacked the Skunk will discharge a noxious odor causing the Skunks predator to leave it alone.

Now you too, if attacked, can choose to break your repellent bottle causing the liquid to be released onto yourself and possibly on the attacker as well. Since the smell is so strong the attacker will most likely retreat and leave you alone. 

Also since this product looks like jewelry, the attacker has no idea you are wearing this protective device giving you the upper hand. 

Unlike Pepper Spray, all you have to do is break the glass bottle. Anyway you need to, smash it with your hand or roll on top of it. Anyway you can break open and get the liquid released onto yourself will do.


This product does not guarantee that you will survive an attack.

This is only a helpful preventative measure. 

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